
Innovative Computer Electronics LLC, is a technology company, providing our customers with services and solutions to further grow and enhance their business while minimizing cost and increasing productivity.   Innovative Computer Electronics LLC also tailors to the every day consumers providing PC and Electronic products, services and solutions that fits their budgets.


Our Mission:

Providing Innovative Technology To All, Period!

"Innovation Now Innovation Beyond" 

Why US:

• Experience: Over 3 decades of technology knowledge to assist in meeting the needs of our clients

• Services & Solutions: Consulting, Professional Services, On-site Services, Integration, Configuration, Network, Sales Support 

• Cost Saving: Extending the Lowest Cost to All

• Customer Tailored: Dedicated and Personalization

• Education: Stem & K12


Innovative Computer Electronics was found and established in 1996.  Since, then Innovative Computer Electronics LLC has continued it focus on new and innovative technologies and services as well as solutions to assist in our clients/customers needs.



• Web presence established


• E-commerce site

• Expanded Services and Solutions offerings


• Cost saving initiative begin



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